What is ADHD? – Recognising the Symptoms
So what is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? I think the term for this condition is an old one now and not everyone with ADHD has hyperactivity and/or attention deficit. It now seems to be recognised that there are two types of ADHD and a third type which can have a combination element of those two. […]
How I work as a Therapist with Clients with ADHD
Some of my clients are waiting for formal diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and others have their diagnosis confirmed by a health specialist such as a Psychiatrist; you can speak to your doctor if you think you have ADHD and ask for an assessment referral.  Some of my clients are trying medication or have […]
Do I have ADHD? (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Clients come to me confused about what is going on for them, some with an ADHD diagnosis and wanting help with managing their diagnosis and how to live with their symptoms, some are waiting for diagnosis and others suspect they might have ADHD. How Common is  ADHD? ADHD definitely seems more common to me than it was. Whether […]
What is Sound Therapy? The BAST Method of Sound Therapy
The BAST method of Sound Therapy combines carefully considered therapeutic sound techniques which have been shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology with a form of reflective enquiry (a kind of questioning). This approach has been shown to be very effective at improving health and wellbeing. The therapeutic sound and sound therapy techniques are played […]

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